Saturday 13 September 2014

Winter is coming

I was awoken by the sunshine streaming through my bedroom window ah ha I thought it's of rest, and then I remembered Ned Stark in my dreams claiming "Winter is Coming" thanks I couldn't shake this thought from my slightly befuddled brain I decided to get myself up and at em.  Ok so it's not so easy to jumped out of bed these days, the mind is willing but the body not so much.  Several cracks and groans later my body decided to unlock and allow me to struggle to the bathroom for a hasty splash and a good brushing of teeth I once had, before moving off to the kitchen to make myself a cup of good old fashioned tea.  Clutching my cuppa in one and forcing the swollen French doors open with the other I ventured outside and sat down beneath the Portico, for those of you that ask what's a Portico? It  is a porch that stretches down one side of the house, well I say one side but lets keep it real, much like the rest of Rome it is not quite finished.  Anyhow with tea drained and Ned Stark still breathing down my neck I moved on down the garden, I use the term garden quite loosely, what I should say is I moved on down through the jungle that could one day be my garden.  Ok so I have been away for around 14 months and I seem to remember that before I left, I had spent weeks digging out one patch of ground and planting the likes of Raspberry canes, Ruccola, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Broccoli,  and some other green stuff, ok so all of that would of grown and gone by now but surely the soil that it grew in should still be there, wouldn't it...Mother Nature waits for no one.  Why oh why did I not bring any gardening tools back with me.

You could ask what on earth was his lordship doing all this time, well, laying quite literally flat on his back as it happens, silly old fool was dismantling a Portico at a friends house when the whole lot came down on him and left him with a broken back, some people will go to any lengths to get out of the gardening.  Mind you I do only have his word for it but I guess the sight of the iron corset that he has been wearing has to be proof enough.

So this is the caravan that got us the much sort after address, you can laugh if you like, I know I have but there it stands in all it's glory and is officially our living space.   I haven't managed to find the courage to go inside since I got back as there is no telling what I will find, something large with many legs or perhaps hundreds of teeth  maybe lurking.  The last time his lordship ventured in there he was attacked by a giant rabbid rat...but thinking  a man and his measure of an inch... it was probably a field mouse, non the less he had to go to the hospital for jabs. On entering the clinic he noticed the waiting area was chock a block so he ambled over to the Nurse and confided what had happened, he didn't want the others to hear as he worried they would think he was dirty (it really is that backward here) the nurse busstled off to find him a Dr, she came back calling out (in what was probably her loudest voice)  "Signore, Signore Rat Bite Man the Dr will see you now"  I've never really seen him go red before.
 Note to self:  George Clark and his amazing spaces springs to mind, I might have to revisit that thought.   Anyway I digress and Winter is still coming...

Determined not to be caught out by what possibly could be a very long and cold winter I decided to start the twigging, a bit later than I would normally start and I do have a whole 14 months to catch up on, the good thing is that there is at least 14 months worth of branches ready to collect and snap.

So I managed 12 of these little babies today and have now run out of boxes to store them all in, so good excuse to take a well earned break.

and this is me trying to take a selfy and on that note Ned Stark winter may be coming but here's hoping I can at least meet it with a store full of twigs :)